Land for Sale Bordering State Land

Need space to roam? You’re guaranteed more backyard than you pay for with these Adirondack properties that border hundreds of acres of state land providing easy access to beautiful lakes, streams, wetlands, and forests. Enjoy the joy of quiet living in natural beauty. Browse available land today.

View Adirondack Properties Bordering State Land:

Explore More: Lakefront Properties | Adirondack Cabins for Sale | Hunting Properties | Great Views | Large Acreage | Land Near Lake George | Land Near Lake Placid | Twin Ponds Preserve


43 Acres with Views and River Frontage in the Northern Adirondacks

43 Acres - $ 99,000 | Location: Wolf Pond, NY

43 Acres of Land for Sale in the Adirondacks - River Frontage & Views

SOLD – 67 Acres Bordering State Land near Whiteface Mt and Lake Placid, Featuring a Spectacular View

67 Acres - $250,000 | Location: Near Lake Placid

This 67 acre parcel is located in the most prime area in the Adirondacks as it is only 5 minutes to Whiteface Mt and 20 minutes to Lake Placid.

Lots 77 & 79 – 20.5 Acres Bordering State Land

20.5 acres - $129,000

20.5 acres bordering over 5000 acres of State Land.

Lot 81: 47 Acres for the True Sportsmen

47 - $139,000 | Location: Frontier County

This 47 acre parcel adjoins 5000 acres of State Land and has deeded lake access to Twin Ponds where you have incredible brook trout fishing, this really is an ideal spot for the true sportsmen.

Stand Land Forest Preserve marker on Lot 83 of Twin Ponds Preserve

Lot 83: 80 Adirondack Acres Bordering State Land

80 Acres - $189,000 | Location: Northern Adirondacks

80 Adirondack acres bordering over 5,000 acres of State Land.

blue sky with clouds over mountain peaks and green forest

Adirondack Mountain Meadow – 26 Acres with Panoramic Breathtaking View

26 Acres - $ 195,000 SALE PENDING | Location: Owls Head, NY

26 acres of Adirondack land for sale with incredible panoramic views.