Views from Your Adirondack Property

Views from Your Adirondack Property

Waterfront property in the Adirondacks has always been, for obvious reasons, the most coveted real estate in the Adk Mountains. The issue for most folks in purchasing waterfront is the price tag, with vacant lots on almost any Adirondack lake running at an average of nearly $2,000 per front foot. To purchase an acre parcel of land with lake frontage will generally start at $150,000 or more. Add in building costs, and the final figure will leave most of us only dreaming.

All of this being said, a terrific alternative to waterfront property is purchasing Adirondack land with a view. A piece of property with an elevated building site that provides a panoramic view of surrounding mountains or water is a dream that is more easily attainable from a financial perspective, while at the same time providing an experience that can be equally peaceful and fulfilling as being on the water.

While good-view properties can be difficult to find, Adirondack Mt Land always looks for property to sell with an eye for views. Often, creating a view means cutting some trees, which also creates the opportunity for clearing and seeding in a grassy meadow; which with a mountain backdrop, is incredibly beautiful. The meadows are always quite an attraction for wildlife, including deer, turkeys, and a variety of song birds and smaller mammals. With a view comes great sunsets or rises, rainbows, incoming weather, snow covered peaks, and mountains beaming in alpenglow or shrouded in drifting clouds. You truly feel the moods of the wilderness.

All this comes at a much more affordable and reasonable price than waterfront property.  Depending on the quality of the view, you can look at an increase in value of a view lot from $10,000 – $40,000 over a standard lot of the same size. Adirondack Mt Land currently has some terrific properties with views. Come take a look!